Welcome Home
FCNewburgh is here to help people move from unbelief to belief in every area of life.
No matter your faith background or season of life, we believe the Promise of eternal life in Christ is for you. Peter said it best this way in Acts 2:39, "For the Promise is for you, your children, and those who are far off- all whom the Lord our God will call."
No matter your faith background or season of life, we believe the Promise of eternal life in Christ is for you. Peter said it best this way in Acts 2:39, "For the Promise is for you, your children, and those who are far off- all whom the Lord our God will call."
Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday service will last about 65 minutes. During the service, we will sing a good mix of newer and seasoned music, read and study the Bible, take communion and give generously. Fun and exciting programming for birth-5th grade happens at the same time. Plan to hang around after the service to get more information and meet new people.
Sunday Worship
10:30 am
Come early for coffee and donuts in the main lobby!
Groups and Classes
Sunday Mornings at 9am
For more information on any of these classes/studies or to sign up, by CLICKING HERE!

Sunday Morning Adult Classes
- We have two main classes on Sunday mornings with other rotational studies throughout the year. There's a Women's class that meets in the Chapel as well as a through-the-Bible study in the Dining Room led by Roger Hutchinson that is currently studying the book of Matthew.

Student Ministry
- Student Ministry Classes
- High School Rm205
- Middle School Rm211

K-5th Grade
Join Ms. Melinda as she walks through issues our Upper Elementary kids deal with from everyday life situations. Check-in at The Landing upstairs and kids will be good to go!
Through the Week Options
For more information on any of these classes/studies, visit HERE

Men's Saturday Mornings
Coffee, Donuts, Fellowship and Study are main staples of the Saturday morning men's group. Men of all ages welcome, 7-9 am in the Dining Room off of the gym.

Women's Bible Study
Join the Wednesday morning Women's Bible study from 9-11 led by Melinda Nalley.

Women's Monday Nights
Join us in the Dining Room from 6-8 pm for topical studies led by Judy Beem.

Small Groups
We have a variety of small groups that meet throughout the week. Most groups meet in homes and create space for life to be lived in community.
Volunteering at FC is a crucial part of who we are. God created you with specific passions and skill sets to contribute to His kingdom and we want to help you put those to action! For more information on various ministry opportunities and ways you can plug in at FC, click here.
Contact Us
Address 4544 SR 261 Newburgh, IN, 47630
Phone: 812-858-5000
Email: info@fcnewburgh.com
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8am-3pm
Phone: 812-858-5000
Email: info@fcnewburgh.com
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8am-3pm