"Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace.
Then the God of love and peace will be with you."
2 Corinthians 13:11 NLT
To pre-register your family before you attend in person go to bit.ly/newtofc today!

(Birth thru Pre-k)
Our Early Childhood Ministry has intentional programming Sunday mornings at 10:30am. We believe there is no age too young that isn't ready to dive into the Bible and hear about God's great love!
Contact Nancy for more information - nhall@fcnewburgh.com
Contact Nancy for more information - nhall@fcnewburgh.com

(K-5th Grade)
Our Elementary Ministry has a mix of large group and small group programming on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am with a 9:00 am Bible study for K-5th grade before.
There are also seasonal events sprinkled throughout the year to give kids a chance to move from unbelief to belief while exploring God's great love for them!
Contact Brian Ray for more information -
There are also seasonal events sprinkled throughout the year to give kids a chance to move from unbelief to belief while exploring God's great love for them!
Contact Brian Ray for more information -

(6th-12th Grade)
Middle and High School students meet Sunday mornings at 9:00am for Bible Study. During the school year, we have youth group on Sunday nights from 4-6pm. Check-in at the back doors starting at 3:45pm. Games, Large Group Activities, Small Group Discussions, Teaching, and Hang Out Time with friends and leaders happen every week.
Contact Ethan for more information - emcgowan@fcnewburgh.com
Contact Ethan for more information - emcgowan@fcnewburgh.com