The FC Tour is a great way to connect with a few folks at FC and get a "backstage" look at different areas of our building. As you move through the ministry areas, you'll have a chance to see yourself growing in faith at FC.
The tour happens on the first Sunday of each month immediately following service. You can meet our tour guides in the lobby and there is no need to register beforehand.
The tour happens on the first Sunday of each month immediately following service. You can meet our tour guides in the lobby and there is no need to register beforehand.

Discover Experience is 45-minutes immediately after service designed to give you an opportunity to discover who God is calling FC to be and where your next in engaging your personal faith and your engagement at First Christian. We will provide a light lunch and childcare.
You can CLICK HERE to register for the August 4th, 2024 Discover Experience to let us know you're coming and if you need childcare.
You can CLICK HERE to register for the August 4th, 2024 Discover Experience to let us know you're coming and if you need childcare.