The God Who Comforts
It’s not an anomaly to see someone seeking comfort from a source which can never bring true comfort. Each time we seek comfort from something other than God (who is the God of all comfort), in reality we are numbing ourselves from grief. (list of ways we push grief away/numb ourselves: play, work, destructive habits too, etc.). How we share in the sufferings of Christ: a friend’s active betrayal, misunderstandings, even the generality of living in a fallen world with fallen systems and fallen people. And while Jesus experienced all aspects of suffering while in the flesh, in his resurrection we have all the comfort of knowing there is full resolution in our future. Imagine “abounds” as a river overflowing its bank with wave after wave of comfort. The God of all comfort gives each of us more comfort than we can contain so that we can share that comfort with others. The more we talk about our grief/comfort we build up “patient endurance.” List of ways to share our comfort to build up patient endurance in others (and ourselves): [1] talk about your grief/your story shapes your helping [2] listen well [3] pray with and for them asking Spirit to supernaturally step in.