The Key to Forgiveness
Forgiveness is as much a reality as offensiveness is. Healthy relationships will be littered with offense and forgiveness. If we stopped each friendship with every encounter of trouble/uncomfortable dynamics, we would have no relationships…just a string of disappointments. But does forgiveness have limits?
Surprisingly, no! We give out or give up on mending relationships through forgiveness because it goes against whatever our internal sense of justice is. Don’t believe me? Have you heard or used the phrase, “You’ve made your bed now sleep in it!”? But God’s love toward us is much greater than we can comprehend and the affront of our sin is equally greater than we can fathom. His forgiveness is the standard we aspire to, trying to emulate it as best we can in a fallen world.
Keys to relational forgiveness: [1] Forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. Boundaries (emotional, physical, even distance/proximity) are important aspects of healthy relationships. [2] Forgiveness is a leading topic when it comes to prayers. [3] As hard as it may seem, living with a forgiving spirit is for your benefit.